27th January 2014 (23:32)

The End

“Gentlemen!” the commanding officer paced the front lines, meeting each brave soldier in the eyes. “Colonel Matthews is dead. He will be the last to die in this Great War. May we never forget him, nor our fellow compadres who did not make it to the end.” The was a moment silence. Every soldier stood with their head bowed and all that could be heard were the last one hundred creatures being electrocuted behind the wall.

“The time has come gentlemen, ladies, to go home. To find our loved ones, to put our lives back together.” There was a cheer from the crowd, a great excitement had spread amongst the men as the tracked down the last creatures. They could sense the end was near and now they could go home. “But things will never be the same again.” The CO was not a man to tread lightly. “We will always be on the look out for another attack, we are vulnerable. But, we are powerful. Look at what we have achieve here today. We will not let this happen again. I hereby decree, on the honour of the good men and women who fought this war that we will be a force to trifle with.” Another cheer from the crowd but the soldiers did not cheer as hard as the man who now found himself in charge. They had fought the war, all of it, and they were tired and bitter and depressed and they never wanted to fight again. They had seen too many of their fellow man fall in front of them, they did not know how much more suffering and loss they would suffer before the rebuild could begin.

The Commanding Officer on the other hand was a changed man. He was out for blood and he knew he wouldn’t be alone.

26th January 2014 (22:08)

My Bestfriend in the Whole Wide World (A.K.A. my attempt to cross a knock-off Edgar Allen-Poe and an illiterate Dr Seuss)

The knocking on the door persisted. Rap rap rap, over and over the knocker did not think to enter. The old man in the old church on the hill did not answer, he was too stunned to hear the knock knock knocking. His followers had left him, he was all alone, and yet here was the knock knock knocking.

He did not know why the knocker would not stop knocking from low on the door, he walked over to the cold moulding wood and placed his hand on the handle, counting with the knock knock knocking. One, two, three… four! He opened the door.

A dozen little girls, cold and scared, stared up at him, not a smile to bare. Their pink dresses were torn and splattered with mud, but he didn’t care he was happy they were there.

He welcomed them in, his mind far from good intentions, one of the eldest introduced herself and the others, and gave her dead teacher a mention. The old man thanked her for her knock knock knocking, it was very polite, he told her that he would not bite.

The little girl was Niamh and her best friend was Harriet, the other little girls did not speak, they were far out of it.

The old man sat them down, and they all went round, saying what they think they should do now the the army was winning. The old man said “nothing,” that God would save them, but Niamh knew better than to believe in make believe men.

The old man did not like her callus ways, he told he to do as he says. But she would not listen and called him a poo, but protect herself was not something she could do.

The old man raised his hand, and slapped her face, tears raced down Niamh’s cheeks, she could feel them chasing each other, having a race.

The girls said sorry, although they were not, they had a plan, a plan to run away, the old man could lock the church he could shout and hurt them, but scared was something the little girls were not.

As soon as he slept, snoring away, the girls got to work, their trap was set before the first light of day.

First came the knock knock knocking, ringing in his ear. Then the bash bash bashing, echoing from up here.

He ran off to hurt the girl, how dare she wake him from his slumber, little did he know that he would soon be six feet under.

For the world the girls had lived in for the last month, had turned them all into ruthless, heartless little cunts.

The old man, who was just scared and alone, ran up the tower, having a moan. He grumbled and cursed and even gave a groan.

The man just missed his wife, and now the sweet little girls were to take his life, as they swung the church bell into his face he swore and spat and thought of the copper taste.

He tumbled down the stairs, with a crack crack crack. As every bone shattered, including his back.

The little girls cheered, they had defeated the evil man, but as their elders would soon learn, did this now mean that it was simply their turn?

25th January 2014 (17:33)

The Beginning of the End.

Bullet shells splashed on the ground as a flurry of ammunition sprayed into the enemy. The humans had set up base in the town hall, the high walls and raised steps meant it was easy to defend and it’s prime position in this district of the city meant it was the perfect spot to unleash Blue Spark.

Whilst the soldiers lay down covering fire, a specialist team made their way out of the complex and across to enemy lines. Blue Spark would be unleashed and another zone would fall from the grasp of the creatures. Every day they took more and more territory back, every victory, every deployment of the eclectic weapon allowed the soldiers to put the Earth on step forward in the right direction.

This was the third city they were working on. The countryside, for the most par, remained clear and people were moving out of their rubble holes and into internment camps. There they would be provided with clean water and a safe place to live.

Soon the remains creatures should be too weak to out up more of a fight, or die out completely. That was a positivity of fighting an enemy from another planet, there would come a time when there wouldn’t be a replacement for the creature you just electrocuted. The soldiers took comfort in that.

The bodies of the creatures would be sent off for studying and, as there became safe places for the scientists to spread out as well, they were unable to uncover secrets of the alien race. Their transport to this planet, their feeding processes, their cannibalism. As far as anyone could as yet tell, that is until they were able to catch a few more live ones and keep them that way for questioning rather than kick the shit out of them for “payback for you you did to the planet”, they were just desperate to get to a place where there was food. The ones who still ate each other whilst on Earth clearly couldn’t break the habit.

The monsters from outer space were simply third world citizens desperate for some food. Of course, the more sane minded civilians didn’t see it that way seeing as they had killed, mutilated, ate and simply vaporised over 90% of the population.

The blue Spark was almost ready to go. A simple flick of the switch and, as the name might suggest, a pulse of the most beautifully radiant blue would pass through the forward location, the creatures would die, a slow painful death and any that didn’t would be shot, taken in for torture or beaten to death where they lay twitching.

Not for the first time humans stood with the power to destroy anything in their paths. Not for the first time they used it to win a war and not for the first time there was protest against it. Despite all that they had done, all the pain they had caused, directly and indirectly, the way they had turned life on the planet on its head and still caused more destruction after this, there were those who supported the creatures. Those who felt sorry for them, who protested the use of Blue Spark, who would rather die alongside the creatures than save their own home.

The soldiers took no pity on the disillusioned, they all died the same way.

Blue Spark was set up, the flurry of bullets still rained down on the building, a hundred guns from a hundred angles, no escape from the hiding places. Despite their hardened exterior the creatures were still fearful of bullets, a stray one could kill them and they weren’t creatures to take risks.

The soldiers ran back to base and the bullets stop. Then. A sonic boom, as load as a plane and as blue as a pretty girls eyes. The wave spread out across the district, ringing to the chorus of screams of dying monsters. The soldier let out a cheer and their commanding office told them to sweep in, pin down the complex and settle in for the night.

The war was nearly over, but, in a closed room, deep underground, pouring over a map of the stars, a new, more deadly war was just beginning.

23rd January 2014 (23:11)

One Down, Two to Go (please don’t read today’s entry if you are sensitive to sexual abuse. I am fully aware that it is a controversial topic but I wanted to portray the sadistic nature of humans when the rules are removed and the punishment that I believe certain criminals should face in real life.)

The woman moaned. Not a moan of pleasure, as it should have been with a man inside her, but a moan of torment. She should have come to expect it by now. To be woken up by a slap in the face and then whatever vile man had stood outside her room all night shoving his disease ridden cock inside her or rubbing it against her face. But she’d never expect it. It destroyed her soul each and every time and she now begged for death. That hadn’t taken long.

She’d had always been weary of men. Enough of them had screwed her over in her life but she never thought they could destroy her like this. The second the world goes to shit and the men she’d lived next door to through all the break ups turn into the bastards who don’t deserve to take another breath.

The man finished up and spat at her as he walked away. Another part of her soul gone. How could anyone ever do this to another human being.

The man opens the door and she got the few seconds of sunlight. It danced on her beaten face, the hard scabs welcomed the warmth. She’d smile if she thought she could ever be happy again.

The sunlight lasted longer than usual and from behind blackened eyes the woman sees her captors talking. She tries to make out the words but her ears still ring from the slap. She tries to drag the body her mind is trapped in to the door. Left hand slapping and pulling, right hand slapping and pulling, the body that she once cared for dragging lifeless behind her.

“Army… Fighting back… Winning…” Her heart leapt out of her chest. Rescue. “Kill her and let’s get the fuck out of her.” The words came clear and study. Emotionless. Heartless. Ruthless.

Footsteps pounding on the ground, coming right towards her head. Cold hands gripping her knock pulling her upright. She struggled to maintain calm. “Please,” she croaked. Her right hand caressed his check, her left feel to his crouch. If the blood wasn’t thundering in her ears forcing her head to almost explode, she’d have smiled.

He losend his grip. A smile came over his face as if to say “I knew you’d come round.” She didn’t stop smiling, her hand slipping under the waist line of his jeans. She felt him go hard and bent down to under do his trousers.

He let out a sigh of pleasure. She put his dick in her mouth. If this was the way to get out, to be rescued, she was more than happy to do it.

She clamped her jaw down hard, as hard as she could and then she kept going. The man wailed, hands flying above his head, unsure how to make the unexpected pain stop. She kept biting, jaws like a vice, winding tight and tighter. Blood spurted in her mouth and she fought hard not to gag, instead clamping down all the way. She felt the tension go and the man fell quite. She could hear him sobbing.

She rose above him, severed penis clenched between her jaws. She didn’t have much time before he passed out, even less time before the other guards came. The woman spat his cock at him, slapping his face mixing the rivers of tears with blood.

“Think of me,” she said, “every time you use the toilet. Think of everything you did to me because the world went wrong. And remember that I did this to you, when the world was turning back to normal, because you deserve it you useless sack of shit.”

A hard jab to the nose and he passed out, the bones jutting out of the skin. She was fairly sure she killed him. Shame, he got off easy.

The other two men, her other attackers came pounding down the corridor.

“What the fuck have you done!” He brandished his knife, pointing it at her. She knew the knife all too we’ll he liked to fun it over her legs, shave the hairs and cut the skin.

She ran straight at him, he was too slow the react and she was able to knock the knife from his hands. She landed on top of him and punched him square on the nose. And again and again until her knuckles hurt. His face was destroyed and he’d never look like himself again. She could easily liken him to the elephant man.

The third man had ran, before she could kill him too. But he was slow and fat. She could hear him, on the stairs on the building now, bouncing off the walls as he ran down the stairs too fast. She plucks dip the knife and made after him. She took no pleasure I’m killing the other two men, that had to be done to stop them doing it to the next girl, she had no illusions that once the army had regained control, they wouldn’t be doing it I’m everyday society.

But the last man, she was going to make it very slow and painful. Just what he deserves.

22nd January 2014 (23:36)

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, the creatures are something else.

“You listen to me you son of a bitch. I know you can understand me.” The special detective yanked the creatures jaw up wards, levelling its eyes with his own. “Now. Answer. My. Question.” He put extra emphasis on each word to make sure the monster knew he was serious. As if the severe beating, experimentation and illicit torture wasn’t enough to demonstrate his seriousness.

Detective O’Connor was part of the newly formed task force set up and run with the sole objective to find out where the creatures came from. The creature knew that the real question on their minds was ‘will they attack again’ but no one dared utter such lunacy. At least not until there clear up had been completed and people could start pretending that aliens never invaded the world and killed close to 7 billion people. Not to mention countless cities and towns, setting infrastructure back a couple of thousand years. Perhaps further, at least the Romans had roads.

The creature stared into the Detectives eyes. It hadn’t uttered a single word of any language and the only proof O’Connor had that they could even understand English was a crackpot scientist who claims he heard two of them talking to one another. Of course this came from the same man who spent the better part of two weeks in a flat talking to his dead wife, but O’Connor didn’t care. If you asked any number of the men who had previously served under him (no one would dare say a bad word about him if they still needed to report to him) they’d all say that he liked to doll out as much pain as he could and sit back and watch you suffer.

When the Prime Minister heard this, he knew he was the man for the job.

O’Connor struck the creature again. It’s hardened exterior didn’t reply and the creature simply rolled his head to one side. I’d suspect that this was more to cushion the blow that O’Connor felt on his hand which now dripped with blood from his cracked knuckles.

“How dare you.” He got his face in close to the creature. How he stomached the fowl smell I’ll never know. It smelt like a strange half way point between burning magnesium in a methane gas chamber and bleach. “This is our world. How dare you come here and kill countless innocent people and not expect to be punished. We deserve to know the location of your home. We deserve to know when another attack is coming.”

“As do we.” The creature spoke. It wasn’t perfect English by any means. It was gruff and the words sounded foreign and slurred on the creatures younger but everyone I’m the room understood. The six people who stood on guard, the scientists, the spectators in the gallery above, even O’Connor stood with his mouth gaping open.

O’Connor tried to speak but the words came out more gruffly than when the creature tried to formulate a sentence. “We came to this world to love. We watched from the stars above you and we saw compassion and we were hopeful. We have crossed the galaxy for many years and we grew restless.” The creatures eyes flickered side to side as he spoke but his face stayed perfectly still. Even when he spoke his mouth barely opened.

“When we came, you humans were new. And we loved you. We tried to care for you but you grew fearful and so we retreated. But this fear turned into hatred and before we could intervene you were killing one another with weaponry that we banned on our home planet after it almost became uninhabitable.”

“So you are here to take over!” O’Connor pushed his chest in front of,meh could barely contain the pride riddled grin from his face.

“No.” The creature grunted. “Just to love and protect you. But you became impossible to protect and then you started developing interstellar flight and we knew that you had to be stopped before you take your killing skills across the galaxy. To out home.”

“So you launched the attack, to kill us all? You heartless bastard”

The room fell quite. “Yes, I’m afraid we did. It was either you, or us.” He bowed his head. “I’m sorry for the damage we have caused but you will eventually destroy yourselves anyway. We figured our planet was more worthwhile saving.”

The creature seemed solemn. I understood where he was coming from. After all what human wouldn’t do the same if they —– BLAM!


The creature died almost instantly, O’Connor lowered his gun, his stupid face and his stupid grin showed he was clearly ecstatic at hitting the weak spot on a captured being.

“Son of a bitch.” O’Connor said as he spat on the ground. “Tell the commander to go ahead with the attacks, the creatures are of no use to us and they’re no longer a danger.”

21st January 2014 (23:11)

Easy like Sunday Morning

“Darling!” The words leaps from my lips I can hardly contain myself. I haven’t been this excited about news since they announced the Tories were back in power. “Darling,listen to this.” I touch her arm, shaking from the adrenaline. “You’ll never guess what!” I wait, only a moment passes but I can’t wait for her to give me an answer. “They’ve done it darling. They’ve fought back and won.” I pirouette on the spot, hands spread out above my head. “I don’t know how but they’ve done it. The reports say that they’re going to get back into the city in a matter of days! We’ll finally be saved.”

I catch the words before they formulate but they slip from my grasp. “We can get out of here.” I look up at her face. “I’m sorry dear, I…” I bite my bottom lip, holding back the tears. “I’m sorry.”

I stand up again, happiness washing over me. “I just can’t believe it. What’s the date today?” She doesn’t answer, she’s mad at me for what I said. “The 16th? No, no. It must be later than that. Oh heck I’d forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on… Anyway what does it matter how long it’s been. Just two more nights, three more at most, we’ll be saved. They’ll fight back the creatures and sure enough we’ll tell the grandchildren…” I can’t help but wonder if I’ll ever get the pleasure of grandchildren. But I daren’t tell dear Viv that, not after she lost Tony. Ah Tony, I’m glad you died when you did otherwise you’d still be fighting just against a new enemy. “The grandchildren will love it. The month the aliens fell to earth.” I touch her hand gently, flinching back at first as her cold touch startles me.

“Oh Viv, you’re cold!” I rub my hands together and try to pass some of my heat on to her. “There. And then once the stories have been made and the world turn right way up again. Then things will go back to normal.” I look at her face and feel sick. I’ve done it again.

I look in the empty sockets of my wife’s face and look at the features that hadn’t been effected by the bullet. If I had come to her with the news I had this morning, would she have still killed herself? I’d like to think not, but I couldn’t say for certain by any means.

20th January 2014 (21:26)

Revenge is like a heavy hammer… When it hits you, it hurts.

The bridge out of the city stood as the only way across for either side. Despite the creatures advanced weaponry, power and clear technological advancements, since they landed they had no more say over the forces of gravity than humans did. With countless civilians trapped in the ruins and no way to get them out or get them clear, a bombardment was out of the question.

The army had set up camp on the road and the surrounding grasslands. High on the hill sat their base. A permanent structure once used as a training facility. More recently it had served as a hospital and strategic command centre. Since the start off the debauchery there had been only one advance made by the creatures. A corporal and her commanding officer had caught it early and they had been driven back beyond the bridge. No one dared go after them.

The base was one of only a dozen stationed out side the city. One of only two and a half dozen left in the country. Positioned around the lesser cities the length and breadth of the land they did their best to contain the creatures. But hey knew it wouldn’t be. Long until the creatures made it out. The cities who had already fallen were prime example of that. Their surrounding counties had been over run and it wouldn’t be long until they attacked from the rear.

Soon humanity would fall. Every officer and private knew that. This was their last hope. One final outlandish attempt to destroy their attackers. And if they failed in their mission, their names would go down as valiant heroes. Not that anyone would have time to learn them, they’d be dead soon after.

These were the thoughts of Colonel Matthews as he stared down at the bridge from behind the muddied glass. The men were like boys from his view high on the hill. Boys sent to do a mans work. A man too afraid to go out and do it himself.

Matthews sighed. He was going to entrust his race with the last few boys who were chosen simply because they could hold a gun and stand up straight. “Jameson. Bring me my gun and tell Corporal Grane to bring a jeep.”

Jameson looked at his commanding officer with an air of confusion and cowardliness. War had revealed his true colours. He’d have been better suited for a job in IT. “Sir?”

“Don’t question me Sergeant. Despite all this shit that is going on I am still in charge around here and if I tell you to do something it isn’t asking you a goddam favour. IT’S AN ORDER,” Jameson flinched at him raising his voice and quickly salutary and scurried out of the office door.

Matthews retuned to the window a smirk on his face. He caught himself smiling and realised his folly. Smile all you like Adrian you damn fool. You’ll die soon enough.

19th January 2014 (21:36)

Taking out the Dead

Lily struggled with the weight of Mrs Francis’ legs. The wound had made turned them into festering lumps of meat and threatened to tear away from the rest of the corpse if she pulled too hard.

Niamh had taken the rest of the children into the back room. She could hear her now, talking to them as though she were one of the adults. Even other Jonathan’s harsh breathing, Niamh voices was angelic.

The stories she told were her favourites. Tales of beautiful princess and brave knights. But she liked making them her own. Quite often it was the prince that would need rescuing because he’d gone up the wrong tower and gotten stuck whilst the princess had to climb down her own tower and then figure a way out to save him.

Lily admired her courage. It was only surpassed by her creativity which worked in tandem to create beautiful lands where the children could escape, if only for an afternoon. From time to time Lily wanted to join them and drift in wonderful colours on the back of the daydreams of a child.

“Lift the legs more.” Jonathan hissed at her. His teeth were tightly clenched and his face scowled with the tension of lifting the heavy corpse. Harriet’s mum had died the same evening that Jonathan arrived. Luckily the children were asleep so they could figure out a way to break it to them gently. The last thing they wanted was to attract attention to themselves by a load of children crying their eyes out.

“I’m trying,” she hissed back. “They’re going to split if I squeeze them any tighter!” Jonathan reached the first step and started tilting her head upwards, putting more pressure on Lily. There was a slosh from within Mrs Francis’ stomach. The last of her remains that would never be digested. Despite the smell, Lily’s own stomach rumbled. Their food supply was on the brink of empty and soon the would have to venture out into the world.

Jonathan had told her what it was like out there. As far as she could tell, society was finished. Sent back further than cavemen times, she knew it was going to be hard to move on from this. That’s if they ever got the opportunity to. She had made Jonathan stop talking when he got onto the subject of the creatures. She knew those all to well and the memories clung to her brain like a virus. Something things you can never unsee and they will remain with you, like a scar on your retinas.

Half way up the stairs and Mrs Francis was starting to groan. The skin that so finely stitched her legs to her torso could be heard tearing. The effects of the creature had started to take its toll on her carcas and soon she would distinergrste.

“Hurry up Jonathan, I thinks she’s going to burst.”

“My neighbour did that. He died right down in the street and then a few days later. Splat. His body opens up and suddenly there’s a million little crab like things and two parts of his body.”

“Do as you’re told and hurry up the .” Their whispering had become a little too load and she could hear Niamh stop her singing to listen to the two of them. They doubled up their speed and were through the cellar door before any of the children saw the dead body. They had been sheltered from the horrendousness thus far and as far as Lily was concerned they weren’t going to have to witness a human being, let along one of the girls mums p split open and spew baby creatures all of them.

Jonathan pulled down on the handle with his back and the door swung gently open. Lily let out a gasp when she saw the state of the city she has lived in for most of her life. The grip on mrs Francis legs gave way and one of them hit the ground with a slap.

“Watch it”! Jonathan growled. He looked down the road and saw the coast was clear. “Come on let’s get this dumped round the corner, that way they shouldn’t be able to find us for a while. Be quick though.”

They edged over the rubble and into the funnier street, cautious of how exposed they were. The city had a cold silence to it. Even before it still felt like there was going to be life above her head but Lily was painfully away that her small girls and her gay guest might just be all that remained.

Jonathan slipped backwards as he miss placed his foot on a rock. He stumbled to the floor and Mrs Francis flopped on top of him. He clenched his eyes closed and his face turned a burgundy red.

“It’s alright Jonathan! she’s in one piece still. Carefully roll her over and get out from underneath her.” He did just that. mrs Francis lay on the floor with a look on her face and the blue glint of the sky in her eyes hat said she was resting.

“Perfect, now let’s get back inside before those things show up.”

Lily looked down at the mother. She hadn’t been with her class for very long. She had been elsewhere but with her losing her job she couldn’t afford the more expensive sclssses any longer. Lily sighed as she realised that death was open her body.

“we can’t leave her there. She was a dignified lady. Can we move her. Please?”

“Look, I’m not being funny because I knew her all of five minutes but no matter how dignified and lovely she was when she was alive, she’s dead now so can we please just go.”

“I’ll give you half of my food tonight if you help me move her over to that wall. Just so she can sit down in peace.” Lily looked at him with expectation.

“Fine. But hurry the fuck up.” He went down to lift her torso back up. “And I get the canned stuff. You get the packet stuff.”

Lily looked at him with a coy smile. She knew that he wouldn’t let her starve and he’d give her her share regardless of what deal they made out here. As soon as he calmed down he’d realise it too.

Lily bent down and grabbed the dead woman’s legs. A little too roughly.

The body ripped in too like freshly baked bread. Her organs spewed in the air and coated the pair in a green bile. Whilst they clued and spluttered at the smell of hype dead, the most frightful thing occurred.

From the intestines of poor dead Mrs Francis erupted millions of tiny monsters. Like their parents they had an appetite for human flesh and like their parents, they struck immediately.

As though the bile were a beacon, the tiny creatures swarmed Jonathan and Lily. Their flesh was soft and delicate and the tiny parasitic creatures feasted on it as though it were the only meal they had ever had.

Less than a minute after Lily had promised her diner to Jonathan, they were both dead. They didn’t even had time to scream.

Down in the basement below the ruined building, Niamh finished her story of the beautiful princess and the brave prince. Soon her childhood would be over too, and she would need to become the hero of her own stories.

14th January 2014 (23:10)

A Brotherly Goodbye

Crawling to the ridge of the hill, the solider poked the barrel of his rifle ahead of him, the silencer lengthening the already impressive sized gun but another few inches. The soldier peered down the scope, tracking the two creature in her sites.

“What do you see soldier?” Whispered the sergeant.

“Two Charlies at twelve o clock sir.” She said back in hushed tones.

“Take them out.”

She lined up the gun, taking into account the wind which whistled through the long grass from the west. She a line the gun so that it would whilst through the creatures soft spot and give her enough time to aim at his companion before they were both dead. She stared at them. All the power she felt in her finger, all the suffers she knew that the creatures had caused since they landed all those days ago. She couldn’t pull the trigger. So,etching about the relatively small size of the creatures told her that it wasn’t right.

They looked like child creatures, not yet fully grown to their full length. Not yet killers.

“Hold it soldier.” She peeked away from the scope to look to her sergeant curious as to why she was being to hold by the the most blood thirsty superior she had ever trained and fought under.

“They’re not creatures corporal. They’re human.” He pointed the pair out. “See how they’re standing facing each other, they’re talking. And they’re the smallest monsters I’ve seen if they’re not.

He stood up and started to make a his way down the hillside, keeping low to the long grass.

The corporal followed her superior, as was expected of her. They made thei way closer to the two men, for as they got closer she saw that they were men. When they feared that they might run off if they say two army personal walking towards them, they got down in the mud and crawled on their stomachs to the two men.

Once they were in ear shot, the reason for their arrival at the designated “high danger” line became clear.

“Jimmy, pick up his feet and chuck him in this ditch. You’ve already done the bloody hard pat now will you please finish up cleaning up the mess you’ve made!”

“But Danny. They smell and you know we shouldn’t be here. What if the army come back.”

“Look Jim. Here’s the only place we can hide the bodies ok? You want to go anywhere else we’ll get caught, when this all blows over and they find two dead bodies with flesh on them,” he paused for a moment whilst Jimmy stopped whispering. The older man, who had been called Danny wiped his hand on his brow. The corporal could see the light from the flood lights glistening on the sweat. “Yes Jimmy in I said flesh. You saw those things, you saw what they did to Ma and if we get caught with bodies we’ll get caught for everything and that won’t make Ma too happy now will it.”

The corporal glanced sideways to her sergeant. He gave a firm shake of his head. don’t interrupt. They can’t let us know that we hear. The corporal found this very difficult to to do. She had joined the army to make a difference and now she had to lie back and wait for two murderers walk away.

Just then, she heard the thud of a body being dropped into a hole in the ground. The diggers started covering the body over and before long they were patting the top of the hole down.

From beyond the flood lights came a wail. The corporal barely flinched. She had heard the scream far too many times to care anymore, this close to the danger zone and you’d be bound to hear them. The brothers did jumped but she could tell their souls had been hardened by another kind of traumatic event. Probably one that they caused themselves.

“Hey Danny, do you think they’ll be able to like stop the monsters? It’s just I heard that they were really hard to kill.”

“Yeah, Jim. They say they are. Apparently, or so Big Al says, they’ve got just the thing to get rid of the monsters and they’re working on it now, even as we speak.”

“No way! Really?” There was a sense of true joy in the mans voice.

“Well, so Big Al says anyway.”

Another scream, much closer this time. And more ominous.

The sergeant tapped the corporal on the elbow. He told her to run, to tell the CDs,prof the damaged we’d be in very soon. An attack was on the way.

She turned to start her crawl back and she snapped a branch. Suddenly the men were frozen to the spot. She could imagine their beady eyes I’m the dark, searching for their prey.

Another scream, right above them, the monsters were sacking the lights. They were going to make the humans blind. Suddenly she heard the sergeants voice.

“Sir I implore you to reconsider shooting us. The creatures are coming and we will all surely die if we are left outside.”

“Not all of us. Not if they have some snack to chew on before their main.” He gestured towards the barracks. Prang raised his gun at the sergeant and pulled the trigger. The echoing bang was met with a chorus of blood curdling screams the rolled over the grassy hillside. “Now then. A girl soldier. Not too many of them. What you a lesbian?”

“Put the gun down.” She told him sternly. Pointing her own gun right back at him. Jimmy, the younger brother pulled out a gun and pointed it down at the corporal. Danny shrugged his shoulders, as if to say sorry.

“Looks like you’re out numbered love.” He walked towards her, apparently ignorant to the screams of the predatorial creatures wailing and crying to one another. “Now normally I’d take my time to kill a jumped up royalist pig scum like you. But I’ve got to take care of my family.” The lights of the barracks had come on in a blinding, dazzling flash of light and men were casting shadows as they ran into position. “My little brother needs to be safe. Sorry love, but family comes first.”

And with that he shot the corporal. And a creature took his head from his torso. jimmy was not long after his older brother.

13th January 2014 (23:34)

The Little Ones

I wish my mummy and daddy were still alive. They’d protect me.

My daddy was big and strong and my mummy was always there to kiss me better whenever I got hurt. My daddy would beat those mean and scary monsters up and me and mummy would cheer and shout when he won.

Then we’d get in our jammas and watch a film. We always have a big bag of popcorn but daddy eats the most of it. And then at the end when there’s all bits of popcorn all over his shirt me and mummy poke his belly because he’s fat. But we love him anyway.

I was going to have a little baby brother too but he died as we’ll with mummy and my daddy. Mummy said that I’d have to be a good big sister and look after him and play with him nicely. And she said that her and daddy loved me so much and that having a baby brother was going to be a great treat for me.

My daddy had four brothers growing up. And a sister but she died when she was only little. My mummy didn’t have any brothers or sisters and she said that she would have liked some so I guess that means that I will as well.

When the bad monsters came I was at ballet and my mummy and my daddy and my brother who was in mummy’s tummy were driving over to get me and we were going to go to the cinema to watch a film on the bigger tv that they have there and we were going to have pizza and ice cream afterwards and daddy said that I could have lots and lots of ice cream because I had been a good girl all week when mummy wasn’t feeling very well because my brother was being sick all the time and mummy had to be sick as well.

But I never got to go to the cinema because then the bad nesters came and my mummy and my daddy and my little baby brother were killed because someone hit into their car and the car rolled off of the road and then they were trapped and then they died and then the monsters came and now I’m just with the other little girls from my ballet and my ballet teacher who is very pretty and is called Lily and she is very nice to all of us.

She tells us not to be scared that the bad monsters can’t get us because we hide out underneath the hall in the basement bit and we are safe because the monsters will never find us.

When she first a told us this I said that my mummy and daddy weren’t safe and now my mummy and daddy and baby brother were dead. She gave me the biggest squeeze after that and kissed me head and told me that I was very smart which I liked.

The other little girls aren’t as brave as me and I have to talk to them a lot otherwise they cry but they like me and I like them. Their mummies and daddies are dead as we’ll apart from Harriet’s mummy who is with us but she has a bad sore leg and she isn’t awake a lot of the time.

Sometimes we hear the monsters, they have a very scary voice and we have to be really really really quiet when they come otherwise they might try and scare us. So when they come we have to close our eyes and make sure ours mouths are zipped otherwise they might try and jump out on us. My daddy used to try and scare me and he’d jump out behind doorways to try and make me jump but this isn’t like when my daddy used to to do, this is really scary.

Hopefully the monsters will go away soon because I am really hungry and we need to go to the shops to get more food. My teacher Lily says there might not be any food in the shops but I don’t believe her because the shops always have food. I think she’s just being silly with me.