An Open Letter to You (Drunk) – 31st May 2014 (23:55)

An open letter to you intrepid traveller. An opener get to guide you home. An opener letter to give you comfort, on lonely nights when you would receive none. An open letter to you. To keep you alive an well. Do not start on the journey, you do not know you can finish. Alive you live, dead you are a memory, and is there anyone to keep you in their thoughts. Love your life don’t live if.

Life is a Lottery Part 6 – Friday 30th may 2014 (23:00)

“Tonight police are on the hunt for Colin McGreavy who has escaped a detainment centre. As you will remember McGreavy is convicted of the murder of a Mr Raja, over what is believe to be a dispute of a local lottery syndicate. Police have released a national appeal for any information of the suspect.” a photo of McGreavy flashes up on screen. “police are encouraging members of the public to call them with any information that may lead to the capture of this dangerous criminal. Please do not approach him. Please keep all doors and windows Locked at night and do not make it easy for him to use you in his escape.”

The Horoscopes – Aquarius – 29th May 2014 (23:15)

Life is never certain. We can make plans and look to the stars for help, but even they can change unexpectantly, just look at Titan, as unpredictable as the oncoming storm. In times of uncertainty it is easy to look for a way out of the waters’ strong current. Try and stay in the water, lay back and go where you’re meant to. Whether it’s a difficult journey or as easy as blinking, you will end up where you need to be to take the next step in the journey of your life. Things may seem uncertain now, but looking back, you will see the path you have chosen was the right one with perfect clarity.

The Horoscopes – Capricorns – 28th May 2014 (22:05)

For the past few months your vision may have been clouded or obstructed. This week, you return to Capricorns natural state, which will make you much happier more peaceful, as life should be. Colours will be brighter and the people who you avoided spending time with because of their closed, perhaps negative, personalities will open up to you. Take them under your wing, show them how things should be done,they will remember your help and return the favour in due course.

The Horoscopes – Pisces – 27th May 2014 (22:45)

If you’re unsure of what direction your life is heading, your own thoughts could be getting in your way. It may be that you are unaware of your ambitions or how likely you are to achieve personal goals. Soon Neptune will align with the planetoid Chiron which will provide you with the sign posts to success – until then, make time for family and friends, you will be in need of their support soon.

The Horoscopes – Gemini – 26th May 2014 (23:15)

You have two sides to you, both as equally devious as the other, so you’re used to getting your own way. Unfortunately others won’t agree and will make things as hard as they can for you. Don’t let this stop you from getting to where you want to be. Work hard but party harder. Enjoy the time you are given and never forget, in tough situations, two heads are better than one.

White Van Man – 25th May 2014 (14:07)

Coming out if the supermarket on the late spring evening the boys and the two girls who followed them like puppies, hadn’t a care in the world.

Their exams had finished, their college places set and their whole lives ahead of them with a summer coming to bask in the glorious sunshine and live the last few weeks of their childhood before headlong into adult life.

It was then, such a shame that they had decided not to go back and get another pack of Doritos, because if they had, they may well have missed the suspicious looking man, bundling rags and shoes into the back of his van. They well have missed him wipe blood red stains from the white doors with the sleeve of his jumper before tearing that off and throwing it in the back as well.

They may well have missed the piercing stare he granted them as he caught all seven of them gauping at him from the otherwise of the road, and they may well have missed the opportunity to dart into their cars, four boys in one and two girls and a boy in the other and chase after him.

As it happened, they decided against another pack of Doritos, reasoning that the takeaway and drink would be more than enough, and besides they didn’t have the money to spare and they did in fact see the suspicious man.

They followed him as he raced off out of the car park and slowed down to a safe following distance when he thought he was in the clear. They parked up down the road from where he stopped and the two girls and two of the boys crept along the muddy bank after the man, who traipsed through the thick bracken with nothing but a shovel. The watched him digs hole, six foot long and three feet wide.

From their hiding space in the thrushes they watched him return to his van, stumble back through the woods with a heavy bundle over his shoulder and drop it in the hole with a heavy thud.

They ran, caring not if the man heard when they realised what he was disposing of. The tuffs of bloody hair that poked through the top of the bundle was all the confirmation they needed.

A lightening fast drive later they returned with the police, a precession of blue and red lights.

But the man and his van were of course gone, as was the bundle of rags.

The police out it down to children’s lies, silly boys and girls who knew no better. Who wanted to create some drama and some excitement for the mundane summer that was upon them.

Less than a week later, a middle aged man reported seeing a suspicious van driver attempting to dump something in the woods nearly his stately home. The police launched a full investigation and quickly found the suspicious man. And his latest victims, five boys and two girls.

The Horoscopes – Libra – 24th May 2014 (23:55)

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

A quote that has never rung more true than with the bravey of a libra. As we enter the path of Mercury, you will face the toughest challenge of your life but with some good friends and a little teamwork, you’re sure to pull through.

Keep a balance to your lifestyle, be flexible with your tasks and you will achieve true, beautiful perfection.

Together we are strong.

The Horoscopes – Aries 23rd May 2014 (21:30)

A naturally protected person, you’re used to being handled with care, but not everyone is. It is easy to forget that the warm and gentle life that you love is not universal and it is important to remember that everyone needs a little love every now and again. Loosen your protective wrappers, not to expose yourself but to let another person in. Give them your time and your care and show them that there are still sweet people in the world. Love will be your next ‘big thing’ but only if you can nurture it and let it grow.

It Is Known – 22nd May 2014 (21:30)

The cry came from the distraught young man like the whimper of a dying dog.

He folded his arms and buried his shaggy face into them. The laptop still omitted a glow but with a slam of the lid the man sent himself into darkness.

Tim Seaman sobbed in his dirty flat, with the piles of books and rubbish that had built up around him casting shadows in the moonlight that flickered through the passing crowd.

He thought back to that age, all those years past. What a fool he had been. A joyful ambitious fool who thought they’d finally cracked the novel. He wrote for hours, being kicked out of the cafe when they closed to only run home and write for another four hours at his desk.

It had all been going so well.

Then he noticed things starting to happen that reflected his stories a little too closely. Then more and more things started happen, almost identically to how he had written them. Within a few months the full 30,000 words that he had reached had been made real, and now looking at the news reports things had gone beyond that, and they were getting far worse.

He wished he could stop it, he wished he could write a different end to the one he had conjured up, but he just couldn’t. He had the worst case of writers bloke of his career and now, it was likely to mean the end of modern civilisation.

He wiped tears away from his cheeks and opened the laptop up again. He clicked on his novel and stared blankly at the blinking cursor.

The word count drew his eye. Unchanged. The cursor blinked aggressively at him. His life depending on creating a different ending and it just wasn’t happening. Tim Seaman was likely going to die, very soon.